宝宝爱偏食怎办 家长要找准原因对症下药


What is the most effective way to have a boy?


1. From the day when you want to have a boy, you must correctly measure the basal bo** temperature as required.

2. Start taking 4 natural calcium daily.

3, within 2 months until the scheduled date of pregnancy, must use condoms, effective contraception. Do not use contraceptive pills or contraceptive rings.

4. Continuously measure the basal bo** temperature and determine the days when the bo** temperature suddenly drops. At the same time, pay attention to the increase of cervical mucus and fill it into the basal thermometer.

5. Even if the basal bo** temperature is correctly measured, some people still do not know the days when the bo** temperature drops. Therefore, go to the obstetrics department to check the cervical mucus as much as possible on the possible ovulation day to confirm whether the day is the ovulation day.

6, after taking 2 months of natural calcium to the third month of ovulation to the obstetrician, do ultrasound diagnosis and crystallization examination of cervical mucus to determine whether to continue taking natural calcium.

7. Take a sexually-friendly position that is conducive to giving birth to a boy and relax when you have sex.

8. When you want to have a boy, the stronger the semen, the better, so the next day and the next two days, a one-time delivery, and then from the second sexual intercourse to the scheduled date of pregnancy, abstinence, so that on the ovulation day can shoot a lot of full Vibrant Y sperm.

9. Even if you have been pregnant on the scheduled date, you should continue to take natural calcium before you have confirmed your pregnancy through a doctor's diagnosis.


If you want to have a boy, the diet of both husband and wife should be as balanced and nutritious as possible:

1. Eat a lot of foods rich in vitamin C and antioxidants, because vitamin C and antioxidants can reduce the risk of sperm damage and improve sperm motility.

2, even short-term zinc deficiency will reduce sperm volume andxx 睾酮含量。因此,孕妇的饮食应增加含锌的食物,每天至少补充12毫克至15毫克的锌。富含锌的食物包括瘦牛肉,黑卵和动物肝脏。

3,增加钙和维生素D的摄入量。富含钙的食物包括低脂牛奶和奶酪。牛奶和鲑鱼含有维生素D. 4,停止饮酒或减少饮酒量。虽然偶尔喝酒通常被认为是安全的,但研究表明,每天喝葡萄酒,啤酒或烈酒会降低睾丸激素水平和精子数量,并增加射精中变形精子的数量。






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