

What is good for infant hunger diarrhea?

Hunger diarrhea is a form of diarrhea caused by too little food. Too little food, the child is always in a state of hunger to promote intestinal peristalsis, the more the food intake of the child is limited, the less food in the stomach, the more obvious the hunger intestines. With peristalsis, the secretion of glands on the intestinal wall increases, and diarrhea occurs.

More common in infants with poor constitution or chronic diseases, fear of indigestion, excessive taboos, excessive restrictions on the amount of food or only drink soup, and so on, resulting in increased intestinal peristalsis, discharge of thin mucus. Parents mistakenly believe that inflammatory stools further limit the amount of food, causing a vicious circle and aggravating the condition.

Its clinical features are: frequent but low frequency of defecation, mostly yellow-green loose or brown mucus, containing milk blocks, the main component is intestinal secretion.


1, carrot soup: wash the carrots and cut into pieces The bag is squeezed in the gauze, the fiber is removed, and the extruded mud is added with water to form a carrot soup. Carrots are alkaline foods that contain pectin, which promotes the formation of stools and the adsorption of bacteria and toxins. Suitable for infant diarrhea.

2, egg yolk meal: the egg is cooked, shelled and protein, with the egg yolk in the pot and simmered in the fire, 1 year old baby one egg butter, divided into 2-3 times, 3 days for a course of treatment, Treatment of diarrhea, and has the effect of tonifying the spleen and stomach.

3, apple puree: take a fresh apple and cut it, gently scrape it with a metal spoon. Apple's fiber is finer, less irritating to the intestines, alkaline, contains pectin and tannic acid, has adsorption and astringent effect, and is beneficial for the treatment of diarrhea.

4, soft noodles: When the baby's diarrhea situation is getting better, you can cook some bad noodles for your baby, add some green vegetables. This can further supplement the baby's nutrition, and the baby is better to digest.

xx 5,炒米汤:先将米粉炒至棕色,加水适量,加水煮成稀糊状。将米粉加热形成糊精,其易于消化,并且在油炸过程中米的表面部分烧焦,并具有吸附和止泻作用。当腹泻严重时可以使用。



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